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Sons of Kaëdon:
The Seven Stallions of Kalidore ~

The Children of Kala and Kaëdon are plentiful and varied, each as unique as a galaxy of stars: blacks and appaloosas, silvers and bays, their colours are born of earth and sky. Like their great parents, these children of the gods are regal and wise... though not without each their own quirks and personality!

There is a tale about Seven Stallions, the first-born sons of Kaëdon. They are the Stewards of Kalidore, the First Earth, and each watches over his domain. Like all stallions they are noble leaders, patient and wise, fiercely protective of their friends and family. They are also Keepers of the Old Knowledge, so even as time ebbs and flows and magic fades, Unicorns will never be forgotten...

Currently, there are three stallions available for breeding... the others are hidden somewhere throughout the Isle of Kalidore. You may click any stallion to visit his range.

Odin ~
The Silver Dun Stallion

As the First Born, Odin simply is.
Ageless and wise, with a subtle majesty and haunting air about him, Odin's domain is the weathered cliffs of Kalidore's mountains. Here, he says, he is closer to the sky, where he listens to the songs of ancient winds that billow from the far corners of the universe.

Falling Star~
The Appaloosa Stallion

Noble and idealistic to a fault, Falling Star's domain is the restless ocean of grasslands that make up the Great Plains. He is both a scholar and guide, and welcomes those who seek wisdom into his fold, to follow the stars across the plains and read the fortunes written in the heavens.

Arieon ~
The Ivory Stallion

The fiery, spirited stallion of the shores, Arieon loves nothing better then to prance along the waves, tossing his beautiful mane - he is beautiful and he knows it! He is also, however, sentimental and kindhearted, and a fierce protector of his family and friends.

Ulysses ~
The Rabicano Stallion

Not much is known of this wayward soul, the seclusive stallion of the night; he roams Kalidore in the twilight, keeping just out of reach...

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