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Daughters of Kal:
The Foundation of Kalidore ~

The Children of Kala and Kaëdon are plentiful and varied, each as unique as a galaxy of stars; their coats are the rich, velvet-black of midnight, bright chestnut like the warming coals of dawn, gleaming bays in every shade of earth and fire, and the soft fading grey of first light. Like their great parents, these children of the gods are regal and wise... though not without each their own quirks and personality!

The Mare of Kalidore are truly it's foundation - for while the stallions each rule their domain beneath the stars, mares alone may wander through them all. With them they carry the old tales and old magic, plus the wisdom of their travels to all of Kalidore. You may click any mare to see her full picture.

 Mare Imbrium ~
 Daughter of the Moon
Mare Imbrium was the first daughter of Kala and Kaedon, and she was "named for the moon, the sea of rain, of tears, of restless dreams..." As such she is a powerful unicorn in her own right, but chooses not dwell in the past or focus only on the ancient ways; instead, her greatest joy comes from spending time with the children of the world, minding them and joining in their winsome games. Indeed, Imbri is she who bridges both: connecting the past to the future.

 Ceridwen ~
 Daughter of Night's Song
When the stars are out and the world is still, Ceridwen is in her element. It is then when Old Songs are heard - the echoes of the first sounds the universe made when it came into being. Few are left who can hear it, let alone understand, but Ceridwen is learned in both, ensuring the old knowledge will not be lost to the forgetfulness of passing time.

 Soothsayer ~
 Daughter of Clear Sight
Some might say that the keenest sight belongs to the Falcon, who boasted as much, so when Soothsayer asked him how far he saw, he proudly answered he saw where a star had fallen on the moon. Soothsayer smiled and said she saw that too, and saw it's blazing flight through the dark heavens, and the nebula where it was born, sparkling and new in the early hours of the universe. At that the falcon had to concede, and asked what did she see of an old foolish bird who had been bested by a horse? Soothsayer replied that she saw no such bird, only one who's focus was so far away he might miss the noble and talented Falcon who sat before her. At this the Falcon began to laugh, for what she said was true; and they have remained fast friends ever since.

 Izanami ~
 Daughter of Life's Flame
Some say that life was born of fire, others say it was the other way around, that that fire was breathed unto the children of the universe by the gods who had given them life. What ever the case, Izanami is that spirit incarnate, a firey soul who's lust for life colours the world with every hue of light. Born of fire or not, she is much like her father, the strength and warmth of the being radiating out to touch all who know her.

 Bree ~
 Daughter of the Wildlands
Bree is one with the wild - she loves nothing better then to gallop through the open fields, racing the wolves and the antelope, matching her pace with the birds in flight above! The wilderness is her element, the creatures of the woodland and marshes her confidants. It is here that she is most at home, deep within the heart of the wild, and she is a fierce champion & protector of mother earth.

 Talielen ~
 Daughter of the Elven Grove
There are places in our world where other realms are near, and on Kalidore, the fabric between worlds is said to be that much more sheer. Perhaps it because the creatures of Kalidore never questioned its existence, so a stroll between realms is as simple as a bird's flight through the trees! Talielen likes to travel often; the Wee Folk named her "star foot", for they believed her single stocking gave her luck, like the Guiding Star above, and allowed her to pass so easily between the realms.

 Sereya ~
 Daughter of the First Morning
Before there was colour there was light, and the first light was silver-grey; the grey of morning is Seraya's favorite time of day. She gallops through the mists of night's passing and chases the dancing motes asunder, clearing the way for morning's wake. She might be the original morning person, this herald of First Light, for she welcomes each morning as if it were that first, bright and shining with hope and wonder, awakening the world.

 Morgaine ~
 Daughter of the Dawning Sea
When dawn breaks over night's black sea, it warm like coals and slowly comes to life. From the cliffs of Kalidore Morgaine can be seen watching the dawn, and some have wondered if it is the dawn that calls to Morgaine, or whether she herself coaxes the dark waters into light each morning.

 Autumn's Flame ~
 Daughter of the Harvest Feast
A symbol of the changing seasons, this brilliantly coloured mare is the harvest bonfire personified - fire both warming and life-giving, but also fearsome and willing to destroy anything in its path. So is Autumn's Flame, resting on the cusp of fall; it is she who celebrates the harvest's bounty yet warns of winter's advance, who stirs the leaves to dance in one breath, then sends the birds hastily fleeing in another. She can be as tame as a candle or wild like a brushfire.... beautiful, graceful, but fierce.

 Mercedes ~
 Daughter of Hope Anew
Like a cloud she wanders o're the misty isles, a soft, sheltering cloud that wraps you in its embrace when the sun is too fierce, bathing you with healing rain. Mercedes sees it her duty to care for those who need help most, for she is a sensitive and gentle soul. She is also a gallant Champion of Small - the quiet ones and the forgotten ones, and those who just haven't found themselves... yet. Mercedes keeps them all safe, until each are are strong and able to find their own way.

 Muse ~
 Daughter of the Creative Spirit
The Unicorns of Kalidore are a creative bunch; after all, Kala and Kaedon shaped the very fabric of the universe, it would seem some of that creativity rubbed off on their children. Muse is creativity personified. Not only does she love to imagine things – and then make those things she imagines come into being – she likes to help everyone around her get in touch with their creative side. She's also a huge help to the many travels of Kalidore, and acts as their Guide. And any mare who's just not sure what to name her new foal... well, Muse always seems to come up with the perfect answer. No wonder everyone's always saying, "Ask Muse!" So what might Muse have in store for you? Just visit her at Muse Lake to find out!

 Quintessence ~
 Daughter of Life's Joy
Quintessence is one of those mare to which everything is good – life is good, people are good, and the future’s wide open. It’s all about your outlook after all, and Qunitessence’s skies are always blue… and if there’s rain, well that just makes for great flowers! Her sunny disposition always seems to rub off on those around her; no matter what your mood, a few moment with this friendly Unicorn will have you coming up roses, too!

 Epiphany ~
 Daughter of Inspiration
Ever have yourself a truly brilliant idea? Epiphany seems to have those all the time. True, some are better then others, but with her generous nature and sweet disposition, nobody seems to mind when she offers them out on an on-going basis, whether you were looking for one or not. She is, however, one of those friends you can count on, no matter what; there's no length Epiphany wouldn't go to help a friend.

 Freya ~
 Daughter of Home's Warmth
Wherever unicorns may wander, across the misty Isles of Kalidore, home is a place not surrounded by bricks or rafters above, but a feeling you have when you are with the people you love, among friends, beneath an open sky watched by protective stars above. The beautiful Freya seems to carry that feeling around with her where she goes, and her fellow unicorns her take comfort in that warmth and security.

 Psyche ~
 Daughter of the Soul's Desire
Thoughtful and kind, Psyche is the kind of Unicorns who always asks what you're thinking, deep down insides, and even the shyest soul seems to find courage in her trusting eyes and tells her. And then a strange thing happens... once spoke, those secrets of the soul's desire, they seem to come true! It's hard to say whether Psyche has some special magic, or it's simply the courage within each of us that makes our dreams come true... and Psyche only knowingly smiles.

 Rahne ~
 Daughter of Secret Dreams
Some might say Rahne is a study in contradictions – she is an eternal optimist with a huge heart who likes nothing then to be at the centre of what’s happening. At the same time, she can be intensely private and not tell a soul what’s on her mind. It's not that she's unwilling to share, no... only that she wants to make sure everything is *just so* and before she shares her dreams - and surprises the others!

 Kwan-Li ~
 Daughter of Tradition's Hold
To some Unicorns, the traditions of the old tales are never lost, but grow richer with each re-telling. The graceful Kwan-Li is a master of the re-telling, and brings these wonderful old traditions to life for the new generation. She believes that by knowing your past, you can build upon that keen wisdom to create a happy and lasting future.

 MeadowSong ~
 Daughter of the Nature's Reign
All unicorns appreciate the great outdoors and harbour deep love for the land; some are simply passionate about it! MeadowSong likes nothing better then to wander through the open fields, the long grass rustling around her and the wind setting her thick, ebony mane a-stir. When night arrives, she even prefers to sleep there, under the stars, enjoying the natural beauty that surrounds her.

 Gypsy ~
 Daughter of the Traveling Road
There are many roads that criss-cross the isle, some visible to the eye, and other marked by the stars above. Some lead to places on Kalidore, while others bring us to other realms. And all of them are visited by the nimble Gypsy, who dances along these roadways seeking travels who might need help, or just a little prod in the right direction. It can be a busy job, but someone has got to do it, and Gypsy would like nothing better - helping those who need it, and spending her days seeing the whole of Kalidore and beyond, envious only of the wind who might possibly see more then she!

 Niamh ~
 Daughter of Life's Radiance
When the moon is full and hung high in the ebony sky, it means a night of celebration and prancing. This is Niamh's favorite time of the month, with the isle a-stir with laughter and joy. It is said when it comes to dancing, Niamh is best of all, and when she does, even the stars in the sky must dance along with her, as if trying to keep pace with the bright dapples across her back! Niamh only grins at the moon and keeps prancing, fulled to the brim with life's radiance and exuberance.

 Sierra Rose ~
 Daughter of True Kinship
The bond between a Unicorn and her Companion is so strong, it spans worlds and transcends cultures, for both humans and unicorns hold the same values dear. Kinship is foremost among them, and it seems so fitting for Sierra Rose, who herself was christened in both image and name for her Companion's dear friend, to remind us all of those keen values simply by her being here.

 Persephone ~
 Daughter of Changing Seasons
Persephone is a restless soul who loves the time of year when change is all about her. There's something exciting about the change of seasons, but a little bit sad, too. Persephone relishes the richness of that time of year, a time both of reflecting on what's past and gone away, but also of looking forward to a bright future just beginning.

 Daughter of the Shining Skies
Few things remind the Unicorns of their celestial origins as do the stars above, for the believe the stars watch over them, sparkling like the eyes of their great mother. Yvaine like nothing better then to stand out on clear nights and stare back up at those stars above, contemplating the universe.

 Amaryllis ~
 Daughter of the Flowers

 Daughter of the Birth of Stars

 Silver Lining ~
 Daughter of Hidden Delight

 Aquene ~
 Daughter of Peace

 Koru ~
 Daughter of Night's Stillness

 Fiera ~
 Daughter of the Inner Fire
With her coat of gleaming chestnut, it's not hard to imagine why Fiera might be named for the fire within - that bright, burning mote of inspiration that lights up and drives us to our heart's desire. And Fiera is certainlly that flame personified! With a temper to match her red hair, she is quick to act and react, for she's very passionate about the things and people she cares about. Most of all, she loves to challange people to find thier own inner fire - and the surest way to finding true happiness.

 Llamrei ~
 Daughter of Legends Told

 Adagia ~
 Daughter of Life's Gentle Rhythm

 Irish Dancer ~
 Daughter of the Worldly Dance

 Pasiphaë ~
 Daughter of Contemplation

 Spirited Away ~
 Daughter of Old Wisdom

 Khalia ~
 Daughter of Life Unending

 Bronwynne ~
 Daughter of the White-Peaked Sea

 Diamond ~
 Daughter of Bonds Everlasting

 Acosua ~
 Daughter of Tales
It was Yeats who wrote, "Let us go forth, the tellers of tales, and seize whatever prey the heart long for, and have no fear. Everything exists, everything is true, and the earth is only a little dust under our feet..." Perhapse Yeats knew a unicorn or two in his time ;) Creative and expressive by nature, the Art of Storytelling is tresured by the Unicorns of Kalidore, and not a festival goes by without a good tale or two being spun beneath the stars... Acosua is the Isle's resident Bard, traveling far and wide to spread her tales - both old and new, a little something for everyone, and all to share. After all, a story only gets better in the telling!


Tsura ~
  Daughter of the Twilight


Ruxandra ~
 Daughter of the Rising Sun


Abigail ~
 Daughter of the Reflection


Lysiria ~
 Daughter of Pagentry


Amaterasu ~
 Daughter of the Shining Sun


Raiden ~
 Daughter of Thunder


Beyla ~
 Daughter of Subtle Beauty


Kheimon ~
 Daughter of Summer's End


Hespera ~
 Daughter of Dusk


Epione ~
 Daughter of the Barely Fields


Jubilee ~
 Daughter of the Golden Jubilee
Our 50th Foundation mare, woot!


Equinox ~
 Daughter of the First of Fall


Nokomis ~
 Daughter of Celebration

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